Одним из способов финансирования оборонных нужд Литвы может стать повышение налога на прибыль для крупного бизнеса

«First, we will talk to businesses. And if we don’t find any other ways, then (increasing the corporate profit tax) will become a necessity. We are already proposing this, but for some reason the current government doesn’t want to do it. But before the elections, they start explaining that we need to raise taxes for people, many of whom live from paycheck to paycheck or from pension to pension. (…) We will definitely not support this and there is nothing to discuss here,» said V. Blinkyavichute on Friday to Žinių radijas.

«I’m not talking about small or medium-sized entrepreneurs, who have little or no profit. I’m talking about big businesses, where profits are huge and you can negotiate and find ways,» she added.

The chairperson of the Social Democrats also reminded that the corporate profit tax in Lithuania is the lowest compared to neighboring countries, so it is inevitable to consider its increase, thereby ensuring support for the state from businesses.