Попавшийся с самодельной водкой мужчина из Вильнюса взялся за сигаретный «бизнес»

On Friday, on the road -Gruzhdzhay- not far from the city of Gruzhdzhay Shauliai region, the Volvo V70 car was stopped for inspection by officers of the criminal intelligence department of the coastal border guard unit and the border checkpoint of Palanga State Border Protection Service of Lithuania. The car with Lithuanian registration was driven by a 53-year-old man from [anonymous]. Border guards already knew that illegal goods could be transported in this car.

After inspecting the Volvo V70, the State Border Protection Service officers found 2,000 packs of Winston Blue cigarettes without excise stamps in its trunk, and another 200 packs of NZ Gold cigarettes with Belarusian labels on the rear seat. The value of such a cargo, including all taxes that need to be paid in Lithuania, amounts to over 9,500 euros.

The driver of the Volvo V70 was caught by border guards last year while transporting 250 liters of homemade vodka in a Lexus RX 400H. This time, he was fined 3,400 euros by the court. The coastal border police department of the State Border Protection Service of Lithuania has initiated a pre-trial investigation into the illegal sale of excise goods, which is being conducted by the prosecutor of the criminal investigations department of the Klaipeda region prosecutor’s office.

The Vilnius resident was released on bail after questioning. He faces a fine or imprisonment for up to four years.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях