Министр: директор сети заправок Jozita на расчетных листах мог бы указывать, что зарплаты увеличились благодаря властям

«If Jozita is so principled about tax increases and decreases, I think she could write in the pay slips of her 220 employees, most of whom earn minimum wage, that their salaries have increased because the government has reduced taxes for workers,» Gentvilas said on Wednesday.

«If Jozita’s owners are so principled, we invite them to include information in the pay slips that this government has raised the salary of all their employees, not thanks to the company’s management, but because it has lowered taxes for workers,» the minister continued.

The business was outraged by the increase in liquefied gas prices — residents buying gas cylinders at Jozita gas stations have been receiving receipts since the beginning of January mentioning that the price has risen due to the ruling parties (initially only mentioning ).

Gentvilas has already commented on this situation, reminding that Jozita continues to trade with and imports gas from there.

It should be recalled that in February, during an extraordinary parliamentary session, the ruling party intends to reduce excise tax on gas from 304 to 41 euros per ton.

According to Gentvilas, this became possible after the EU imposed sanctions on Russian liquefied petroleum gas.

notes that Jozita’s receipts mislead residents.

«This violates the requirements of the law for cash receipts, as there is no final cost of the goods,» said Rolandas Punciavicius, a representative of the State Tax Inspectorate.

First, the State Tax Inspectorate recommends that the head of the network make amendments to the receipts, otherwise he will face a fine. «The fine ranges from 90 to 180 euros,» noted the specialist.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях