Минздрав Литвы расширит услуги дистанционного консультирования пациентов

According to the Ministry, the implementation of the project will allow patients in simple cases to consult with a family doctor, and the family doctor can consult with another specialist doctor. In some cases, patients will not need to go to republican, university hospitals or large clinics for consultation.

By increasing the accessibility of remote and telemedicine consultations, it is planned to create a subsystem of electronic healthcare (e.sveikata), where medical services can be coordinated, monitored, and analyzed. This will create conditions for improving the accessibility, quality, and efficiency of healthcare services, as well as conditions for making timely decisions.

It is planned that the development of telemedicine will be implemented by December 2025. The total amount of investments funded will be 5 million euros.

Remote patient consultation was launched in early 2018 and gained development during the pandemic.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях