Приближается срок регистрации политических партий для участия в выборах в Сейм

According to the law on political organizations, only political parties can participate in the parliamentary elections. A political party must be registered in the Register of Legal Entities no later than 180 days before the election date, so political parties intending to participate in the elections must be registered by April 16.

The founding documents and lists of founders of political parties must be submitted to the Ministry of Justice before the beginning of March, which has 30 days to verify the accuracy of the data and documents and prepare an opinion on the registration of the political party in the Register of Legal Entities.

After the Ministry of Justice submits its opinions on the verification of documents and data and other documents to the «Registry Center», the political party will be registered in the Register of Legal Entities within 3 working days. The political party must also be registered as a participant in the political campaign in the Central Election Commission.

More detailed information on the creation and registration of political parties can be found here.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях