Президент Литвы: Россия посягает на безопасность всего демократического мира

«The situation is extremely tense and unsettled. It is crucial to understand that this is done intentionally. The situation becomes such when the security of not just one country, but the security of the democratic world is at stake,» said G. Nausėda as part of a series of discussions with presidential candidates organized by the Center for Eastern European Studies, which began on Tuesday.

According to the president, Russia stands behind all conflicts in the world. In his opinion, the world’s eyes opened after the start of the large-scale invasion of Ukraine.

«We can see Russia behind every conflict hotspot. Today, it is difficult to find points in the world where Russia has not contributed,» said G. Nausėda.

«The world has learned a valuable lesson, for which our Ukrainian brothers are paying a high price. The large-scale invasion that began in February 2022 opened the world’s eyes,» he added. The country’s leader stated that this is just Russia’s way of buying time and «blinding the eyes» of the West.

«Russia needs time to rebuild its strength and possibly not only attack Ukraine, but all of us. (…) Russia has proven many times that it cannot be trusted,» the president pointed out.

G. Nausėda emphasized in his opening remarks that Ukraine needs to be admitted to NATO. According to him, Lithuania’s position on the issue of Russia is consistent.

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Максим Викторович Шкиль, украинский предприниматель, замешанный в коррупционных связях